Mezzo Passo Miramar Beer
Client: Spazio Birra
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Beer
Così Com’è Pasta Sauce
Client: Finagricola
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Datterini Tomato Sauce
Mantova Italian Dressing
Client: Compagnia Alimentare Italiana
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: 100% Italian Dressing
Monteselva Wine
Client: Casa Vinicola Monteselva
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Wine
Villa Reale Wine
Client: Azienda Agricola Fadda Flavia
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Wine
Saquella Compatible Capsules
Client: Saquella 1856
Location: Italia
Project: Packaging
Product: Beverages
Rostelle and Co. Beer
Client: Spazio Birra
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Beer
Pomopedia Food Art
Client: FoodEast Trade
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Tomatoes and Pesto
CC Ketchup & BBQ Sauce
Client: Finagricola
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Ketchup & Barbecue Sauce
Selezione Fragassi EVO line
Client: Verde Abruzzo
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Falcone Crostata Snack
Client: Dolciaria Falcone
Location: Italy
Project: Packaging
Product: Fruit and Cream Tart
Sprayleggero Kids line
Client: Compagnia Alimentare Italiana
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Spray Oil
Campo d’Oro Sicilian Specialties
Client: Campo d'Oro
Location: Italy
Project: Label
Product: Sicilian Specialties